Dear David

You don’t matter anymore, and maybe you never should have. I’m envious of people who grew up without a father, without a reason to explain away a black eye. I don’t want you in my life. I know you made the decision to get rid of me long before I ever even thought about making…

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The Weed Dilemma

I need to quit weed. I’ve posted this idea before, but I constantly ignore the reason why I enjoy cannabis. It helps me relax. As a child, my father taught me to be fearful, anxious, and constantly stressed out. I’m no longer fearful, but the stress and anxiety are fairly hardwired still. Marijuana kills the…

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Digital Dementia or Landscape Lucidness?

As the pandemic’s third wave is drastically decreasing in my area, people are getting vaccines, and the warm weather is finally upon us, it’s time for a digital break. Too much time watching videos and TV, playing video games, and surfing social media actually causes a bit of temporary dementia in people of all ages….

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So fucking done … almost

I feel like I’m done with life, even though it’s not yet done with me. No, I’m not talking about ending things early. I’m talking about the will to live. These are two very different things. Sometimes I love life, especially when I’m getting high. Right now, I’m not getting high. I’m not really living…

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Mary Jane’s Last Dance

I sit here, under motivated, after another night of over consuming high THC cannabis. I was alone, so I didn’t enjoy the high. The amount that I had made me worried about my mortality and the mortality of those around me. Marijuana makes me way more emotional, even when I’m not on it. I become…

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Dear Sister

I write this mostly for myself, as a diary entry, even though I am writing it to you. It is the therapy I need to get past the hurt you’ve brought into my life. You’ll always be my sister, and we will always be family. If we are ever going to have a friendship again,…

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15 great things to do

I’ve created a list of 15 great things you can do. Give money to a charity; Donate blood; Help push another person’s car out of the snow; Loan money on Kiva; Hack a website that causes harm; Give a consensual hug to someone you’ve never hugged before; Reunite with a family member you haven’t seen…

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Toilet App

A toilet app is something you use when you’re bored, on the toilet, waiting for a meeting or appointment to start. My toilet app for long time was Facebook. Once I realized that I was giving way too much of my time, and by extension, outside advertising money to a psychopathic billionaire, I decided to…

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Can a stranger change your life for the better?

Most people know that a person can change your life. Think about how different your life might be if you were beaten as a child or instead maybe nurtured. Imagine if you married a person who constantly enriched your life, made everything better. These things seem obvious though. A stranger could certainly change your life…

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