Toilet App

A toilet app is something you use when you’re bored, on the toilet, waiting for a meeting or appointment to start. My toilet app for long time was Facebook. Once I realized that I was giving way too much of my time, and by extension, outside advertising money to a psychopathic billionaire, I decided to…

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Can a stranger change your life for the better?

Most people know that a person can change your life. Think about how different your life might be if you were beaten as a child or instead maybe nurtured. Imagine if you married a person who constantly enriched your life, made everything better. These things seem obvious though. A stranger could certainly change your life…

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Happiness is just an emotion

Sometimes people will watch a really sad movie because they want to cry. I’m not generalizing. I know that watching a sad movie doesn’t make you the kind of person who wants to cry. Schindler’s list was pretty fucking sad or any movie ever where some poor asshole dies of cancer. There is a value…

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Day 3 Without TV

I’ve gone through 2 days without television. Overall, my happiness level has improved, although I’m a bit more irritable, and I find myself wanting to be more productive, which is difficult when you have children of any age, as they are constantly pressing you to do simple tasks for them. I truly love them though….

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No #TV – but for real this time…

I sit quietly in an empty waiting room, waiting for my daughter to finish her therapy session, not wanting to leave and go shopping, just in case I’m needed, just in case she needs to leave. I was recently asked how my life changed after my teenaged niece died. I ponder that even more, in…

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The inspiration of death

On a lovely summer night, three days after I moved into my beautiful new house, back in July of 2018, the most wonderful soul left this earth. After that, I drank more alcohol, smoked more weed (it’s cool – totally legal here), watched more TV, and ate more junk food. My niece overdosed on Aleve,…

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No TV – Attempt #3?

I’m on day 4 of no television. I think this is the third time in my life that I’ve seriously attempted it. The Rules No Netflix; No YouTube, unless it is for instructions or work; That’s pretty much it. Exceptions I can watch Netflix if I’m with people who have for whatever reason chosen to…

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First Snow Fall

With the first snowfall, a snow-white beauty. An anxiety over the end. Excitement over a new beginning. A season of darkness, fires, and new gifts. What more could I ask for as I lay bleeding in the morning snow. The reddish slush around me will give life to a new snowman.

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Suicide Fucking Sucks!!!

My youngest daughter is suicidal. I’m managing it well, and I think she’ll be all right, but this is easily the worst time in my entire life, likely hers too. It makes me wonder about how I spend my time though. Is there any value in watching TV or porn or whatever other bullshit ways…

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