Changing #careers when you have a wife and kids is like juggling flaming swords while on a high wire . . . one wrong move . . .

It was another day at the office today, as cliche as that sounds. I’m having difficulty just finding volunteer writing jobs. I do have some writing experience, and I graduated from university with an English degree, yet I’m somehow still working in a web development job, even though I never studied it. I’m even a…

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Retail #Christmas is being pimped already; I expected Santa to pull out his red nosed reindeer and shoot a big load of snow in my face.

I love Christmas, and even though I’m not religious, I still enjoy the feasts, the tree, and spending time with family. I don’t like how Christmas seems to begin the day after Halloween. Stores, lined wall to wall with Christmas crap, try to get a ton of people to start their Christmas shopping. Christmas is…

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Take a Picture it Lies Longer

I was listening to the radio on my way home from work the other day. I know it’s crazy not to listen to music that I spent hours selecting and illegally downloading off the internet, but sometimes I like to listen to news or talk. On this station, they were discussing the idea of documenting…

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Accepting Today

Ring . . . ring . . . ring. “Hello?” “Hello, my name is Emily, and I’m calling from Empire Credit Card. Is Ryan home today?” “Yes. I’m Ryan.” “Hello Ryan. How are you today?” “I’m feeling a little melancholy for no particular reason. This is fairly common though. I’m also a tad bit peckish,…

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