Can a stranger change your life for the better?

Most people know that a person can change your life. Think about how different your life might be if you were beaten as a child or instead maybe nurtured. Imagine if you married a person who constantly enriched your life, made everything better. These things seem obvious though. A stranger could certainly change your life…

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Unexpected Taggers – Chapter 7

The two artists are slow and apprehensive about approaching us. They’re probably used to running in a scenario like this. I feel awkward, and I don’t know what to say. Stain usually fixes these situations. Stain walks right towards them. “Don’t worry you’re safe for a little while, as long as that couple doesn’t call…

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The Blue Suit – Chapter 5

I get back to the bar. Winnie makes an obvious glance towards my bulge and gives me a big toothy grin. Like a ninja, I swiftly and quietly move back to my bar stool, like I was never missing. Some ridiculously pompous blue suit is sitting in the seat right next to Lily, on the…

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