COVID-19 Relief | Poem I

A school shooter changes the world forever, mothers never escaping the deaths of their children, fathers never able to go back to work, children living a trauma filled life, Children lay down in a pool of blood, wondering if it belongs to them or their friend as they both take their last breaths, crying out…

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Today’s Youth

Great, you think they’re lazy. Resilience is something you think they need more of. Everything they stand for seems in opposition to your beliefs. They are really doing the same thing as you. All they want is to protect people and thrive.

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Not until May the 8th

On May the 8th, I will be everything I want Everything I know I can be. I’ll be wiser, strong More confident. I’ll be nicer to people Less reactive. I’ll be smarter I’ll be everything I ever wanted to be. But not until May the 8th.

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Men of Hollywood #poetry

They already have the power. But they still want yours. Give them your innocence, Your body, Everything you are. And when you have nothing left, They will still take more than they ever give.

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Toasted honey sandwich #poetry

The sweetest type of honey drips down that delicious golden brown. The tip of my tongue licks the drop, tastes it. I press my lips to it, spread it open, just a bit. My eyes close, the smell, intoxicating. I slide my tongue inside, licking and tasting every bit of honey inside. A bit drips…

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Open Your Eyes

Smell the chalk And stick out your tongue, Taste the exhaust. Feel the spiders crawling up your skin. Listen to the shrill screams. You can change it, or it can change you.

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How to Keep Peace

She takes your dreams, Steals your time, Makes you mad, Bloody irrational. She’ll take your health, Then your life. Breathe. In, she’s translucent. Out, she’s transparent. Breathe. She’s gone. She whispers in your ear. Breathe. In. Out.

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She Needs Me

In a moment, my thoughts are erased. I write helplessly, without form, format, wit, or grace. I want someone to help me. I need someone to be there for me. It always me though. Isn’t it? I’m always there. A rant becomes reason. I’m sorry for being selfish. I’m here for you…

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Breaking the Proletariat

The rat puts an elephant in chains. He won’t fight. The rat puts an ape in a cage. Open the door; he won’t leave. The rat takes. The rat takes more. The rat expects more. The elephant and ape learn. They don’t fight. They breed. They die.

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Born April 18, 2014

Mountains of potential. A limitless amount of hope, quite ample. Equality is all he knows, love is essential. Learn from his example.

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